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So the shelves lay empty, the books untouched in publishers' bins, the subject untaught

Comes the Evolution The survival of that species called Child The children, dying of starvation, hungry for ideas which lay all about in this fabulous land, locked into machines and architecture, struck out on their own What did they do?

They walked into classrooms in Waukesha and Peoria and Neepawa and Cheyenne and Moose Jaw and Redwood City and placed a gentle bomb on teacher's desk Instead of an apple it was Asimov

"What's that?" the teacher asked, suspiciously

"Try it It's good for you," said the students

"No thanks"

"Try it," said the students "Read the first page If you don't like it, stop" And the clever students turned and went away

The teachers (and the librarians, later) put off reading, kept the book around the house for a feeeks and then, late one night, tried the first paragraph

And the bomb exploded

They not only read the first but the second paragraph, the second and third pages, the fourth and fifth chapters

"My God!" they cried, al!"

"Good Lord!" they cried, reading a second book, "there are Ideas here!"

"Holy S into Heinlein, ely word-relevant!"

"Yes!" shouted the chorus of kids starving in the yard "Oh, my, yes!"

And the teachers began to teach, and discovered an a: