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Since I am neither dead nor a robot, and Plato-as-audioanirammed to respond, let me answer as best I can
The answer is: the students The young people The children
They have led the revolution in reading and painting
For the first ti, the children have becoe came down from the top of the pyramid to the broad base where the students survived as best they could The gods spoke and the children listened
But, lo! gravity reverses itself The , until the boys and girls are on top The base of the pyramid now teaches
How did it happen? After all, back in the twen
ties and thirties, there were no science-fiction books in the curricula of schools anywhere There were few in the libraries Only once or twice a year did a responsible publisher dare to publish one or two books which could be designated as speculative fiction
If you went into the average library as you motored across America in 1932, 1945, or 1953 you would have found:
No Edgar Rice Burroughs
No L Frank Baum and no Oz
In 1958 or 1962 you would have found no Asit, and, er, no Bradbury
Here and there, perhaps one book or two by the above For the rest: a desert
What were the reasons for this?
A librarians and teachers there was then, and there still somewhat dimly persists, an idea, a notion, a concept that only Fact should be eaten with your Wheaties Fantasy? That's for the Fire Birds Fantasy, even when it takes science-fictional forerous It is escapist It is daydrea to do with the world and the world's problems
So said the snobs who did not know themselves as snobs