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“Now that you’re happily er pain in the ass,” Sam muttered
Mike s before he finally walked—ered—away
“Get a room”
“You too could find true love,” Cara said, leaning closer “We all want that for you”
But Sam didn’t want that for hiest possible way As a cop, he trusted his instincts
, but when it came to women? To relationships? To personal choices? Not so much
His so-called gut instinct had hurt one good friend, and his gullibility had led to hi betrayed by his fiancée and best friend His family knew only so his personal instincts, and with his siblings settled down, Erin with a husband and a baby, they’d all turned up the pressure on him
Cara leveled hiie, just accoo home Can you do that for me? For Mike and the police station? Please?” Cara batted her eyelashes over her big blue eyes
She’d been his best friend long before she becaht he was immune—except now she was also his fa her down Besides, as she’d pointed out, the fund-raiser was for a good cause and he’d be representing the police force
He blew out a disgusted breath “You’re only doing this because I can’t say no to you,” Sa the one wole man’s heart
“Is that a yes?” Cara tapped her pencil against the blotter on the desk, her expression alleeful
“Yeah,” he ret the decision
“Yay!” She ju herself into the chair behind her desk “This is perfect! One huge problem taken care of I knew I could count on you”
Yeah, perfect, Sa that word even more than usual
“Hey, I proht I won’t leave you alone with that leech”
Saaze “So now you admit she’s a leech”
Cara didn’t look up or ave her away Yeah, he was a patsy for his sister-in-law and a good cause
“You know,” Cara said, peering out froe of lashes, “you could avoid this whole kind of thing if you’d just—”
Find a woo,” he said in response to her unspoken words
“Okay, but Mike’s right The last woman who interested you was—”