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There was so a Marsden that er brother and the good cop—would be nice and acco at hiree to her beyond-unreasonable request
“There is no way in hell I’lared at Cara, a woman he usually also called his best friend, from across their respective desks at the Serendipity police station
“Her last name is Stinson, not Simpson, and you know it” Cara frowned back at hiest donors for the Women’s Heart Health fund-raiser, and the Serendipity Police Department is a co-sponsor Do you want to be the one to tell the hospital, ill be the recipient of that shiny new medical equipment, that the Stinsons pulled their donation because one of our finest wouldn’t escort their daughter?”
“She’s more like a pit bull,” Saet to take her? What about Hendler?”
“He’s too old”
She shook her head “Too young Besides, Margie wants to go with you”
He shuddered “All the ive her the wrong idea” Margie was one of those women who assumed that just a look io there No way, nohow
“Are you giving my wife a hard time?” Sam’s brother, Mike, strode over to Cara’s desk and placed a possessive hand on her shoulder
“More like she’s giving me one Call her off, will you?” Sam asked
Mike laughed and shook his head “I like my life just the way it is Sorry, bro You’re on your own”
Sam rolled his eyes Ever since his bachelor brother had fallen—hard—for Sam’s sometime partner, Cara, he was norapped around his wife’s cute little cowboy boots—when she wasn’t in uniform, that is Where she went, Mike followed Sale friends were dwindling fast First Dare Barron, then Mike, and even their sister, Erin, had fallen
Sam wasn’t jealous, but he could adrowing stale around hie, let alone escorting the feood cause
Cara rolled a pencil between her palms “Do you already have a date?” she asked
“Hell, no,” Mike said, before Saer than I can remember In fact, the last woman who remotely interested him—”
No, he would not let his brother go there “Don’t you have an office to get back to?” Sam pointed to the police chief’s workroom at the back of the stationhouse
Mike grinned “Not when this is so much more fun”
Cara elbowed him in the sto fun at hi this worse”
Mike shrugged “Hey, it’s not et”