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“Rita, you in there?” he calls There’s no answer, and when he goes to try and open the door it won’t budge
“She never locks it,” I say “Not unless she’s going out and she hasn’t been out since Noreen’s funeral”
“Maybe she decided today was the day to stretch her legs,” says Finn, pulling harder on the door handle This time a little bolt of purple electricity slithers over theat the handle in confusion
“I think she’s put a spell on it to keep everyone out,” I tell him
“Jesus, did she get that idea fro? And ould she want to keep everyone out?”
“Well, she practically bit my head off yesterday when I tried to hold a conversation with her, and basically told et the fuck out of the RV”
“She did what? I thought she was getting better after the Empath worked on her”
“So did I Apparently the effect was only temporary”
“This isn’t on She can’t just keep herself locked up in there; it’s not good for her We need to get her out” He stands back and puts his hands around his , “Rita! Get your skinny arse out here now and undo whatever spell you’ve cast”
At this h which I can see Rita standing in the kitchen,us
I walk up and knock on the glass “I can see you in there Please let us in We only want to help”
Her back is to htly, but then returns tonot to have heard me at all Her coldness makes me shiver a little
Glancing at Finn, I suggest, “Maybe we should just leave her for a while I’m sure she’ll come around”
He watches her through the ith narrowed eyes “Yeah, maybe”
We don’t say it, but it’s clear that we both have our doubts about Rita co around at all