Wither (The Chemical Garden 1)

Young Adult 160K Active
Wither (The Chemical Garden 1)
Latest: Page 45
Time: 2023-09-02

Wither (The Chee sixteen, Rhine Ellery has four years left to live She can thank enetic time bomb A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males with a lifespan of 25 years, and fe a miracle antidote to restore the human race, desperate orphans crowd the population, cri kidnapped and sold as polygamous brides to bear more children When Rhine is kidnapped and sold as a bride, she vows to do all she can to escape Her husband, Linden, is hopelessly in love with her, and Rhine can&39;t bring herself to hate hiical world of wealth and illusion she never thought existed, and it al away her short life But Rhine quickly learns that not everything in her new husband&39;s strange world is what it see the antidote, is hoarding corpses in the basement Her fellow sister wives are to be trusted one day and feared the next, and Rhine is desperate to communicate to her twin brother that she is safe and alive Will Rhine be able to escape--before her tiether with one of Linden&39;s servants, Gabriel, Rhine attempts to escape just before her seventeenth birthday But in a world that continues to spiral into anarchy, is there any hope for freedom?
