• Lace Leather Open collars over exquisite collarbones A single red drop on paper-white cuffs Froance of the Unseelie courts to the ubiquitous leather of supernatural detectives to the old-fashioned go...
  • The first short story collection by ainning author Ekaterina Sedia! One of the e in recent years, this Russian-born author explores the edge between the mundane and fantastical in tales inspired by h...
  • Afterlight (Dark Ink Chronicles 1) Savannah&39;s e Now she&39;s put over the edge when her younger brother is taken by a sinister cult led by vampires Her only ally is the hot-tempered vampir...
  • Everdark (Dark Ink Chronicles 2) When Savannah tattoo artists Riley Poe is ambushed by an undead enemy, she inherits some of the traits of her attackers-and a telepathic link with a ra h the victih t...
  • Eventide (Dark Ink Chronicles 3) Newly-bitten tattoo artist Riley Poe feels herself changing in uniinable ways Eli Dupre, her vae in her and fears for her humanity His rival, Victorian, tells her she...
  • Black Fallen (Dark Ink Chronicles 4) There’s only one thing more lethal than a vaulfed in the blackest of erous have descended upon Edinburgh… Tattoo artist, RILEY POE, has changed After surviving th...
  • Darklove (Dark Ink Chronicles 5) Utterly destroyed, or lost forever? This is the question that plagues Riley Poe After her vael, she receives word that he&39;s actually trapped in an alternate di...
  • Blood Trade (Jane Yellowrock 6) Jane Yellowrock is a shape-shifting skinwalker who’s always up for a fight--even if ither life on the line The Master of Natchez, Mississippi has a nasty probleue vamp...
  • Black Arts (Jane Yellowrock 7) When Evan Trueblood blows into town looking for his wife, Molly, he’s convinced that she came to see her best friend, Jane But it seems like the witch made it to New Or...
  • Night of the Wolves (Vampire Hunters 1) Guided by visions as she hunts for her father&39;s murderer, Alexandra Gordon returns to Victory, Texas--and lands straight in the arms of fearsoainst evil...
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