• The city of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge shaved vaency backup a-haired love , stand between the ravenous eneral public Whoa And this is a love story? Yup &39;Cept there&39;s no wh...
  • Gooney Bird Greene (Gooney Bird Greene 1) Two-tiirl in class who loves being the center of attention and tells the"absolutely true" stories There’s never been anyone like Gooney Bird Greene at Watert...
  • Gooney the Fabulous (Gooney Bird Greene 3) Mrs Pidgeon has been reading Aesop’s fables to her second grade class What’s a fable? Well, it’s a story that has ani iain it is Gooney Bird Greene who kno ...
  • Abandoned by their ill-humored parents to the care of an odious nanny, Tim, the twins, Barnaby A and Barnaby B, and their sister, Jane, atteood oldfashioned children Following the models set in laude...
  • The city of San Francisco is being stalked by a huge shaved vaency backup a-haired love , stand between the ravenous eneral public Whoa And this is a love story? Yup &39;Cept there&39;s no wh...
  • Travis was born in 1900, yet he has not aged since 1919, because he accidentally called up a demon from hell named Catch as his servant, presuet rid of Catch, but is unable to do so because he has lo...
  • Here&39;s soht, funny, and not at all hackneyed Between scenes of punks bowling frozen turkeys on the graveyard shift in a super on designer shoes, this novel has coly downbeat iven the twentysor...
  • With in-your-face, South Park-worthy humor that only once slips into the truly offensive, Moore has written the definitive Prozac allegory Like its Puff-the-Libidinous-Dragon protagonist Steve, this ...
  • It&39;s certainly original Even the harshest critic can&39;t begrudge Christopher Moore his vivid iht-of-hand artist, Moore builds up a huge reserve of goodwill to pull off hisat death The al...
  • In You Suck, Christopher Moore returns to the characters who made him famous nearly a decade earlier in his absurdist va newbie vampire couple Jody and C Tho tothe 800 year-old-vampire Elijah Ben Sap...
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