• Blood Beast (The Demonata 5) "Locked inside Dervish&39;s study Breath co wildly I still feel sick and dizzy, but maybe that&39;s fear I force myself to breathe normally, evenly When I&39;...
  • Bec (The De series by Darren Shan, author of the New York Ti Cirque Du Freak series, will keep readers turning page after horrifying page As dee their land, Bec and a band of warrior companions leave...
  • Slawter (The Deh the eyes of lonely child Cornelius "Kernel" Fleck and takes place probably so the 1970s Kernel always been different - he can see strange patches of light in the air around him The o...
  • Demon Thief (The Deh the eyes of lonely child Cornelius "Kernel" Fleck and takes place probably so the 1970s Kernel always been different - he can see strange patches of light in the air around him T...
  • Lord Loss (The Demonata 1) Grubbs Grady has stiff red hair and is a little big for his age, which et into R-ratedtricks on his squeamish older sister When he opts out of a fauesses that he is about t...
  • Harry Keogh discovers that he is being transformed into a member of the Wamphyri by the spores of the mushrooms he inhaled at the ruins of Faethors house in Ploesti Additionally he experiments with J...
  • Several years after his return to earth Harry Sr is trouble by nightes from the dead who he is unable to communicate hen awake due to the actions of Harry Jr Separately E-Branch is investigating drug...
  • The series starts to explore the origins of the Wamphyri manifestation on Earth Years after Harry&39;s son left, Harry has left E-Branch and has spent years searching the world for them The new h...
  • The spirit of Harry Keogh now resides in his son, Harry Jr When his infant son sleeps, Harry can roa his control as the son "reels" his father&39;s spirit back in Roa in his spare tinant woman wi...
  • Harry is an English youth in school, and strange things occur as he grows up, such as a sudden increased intellect in ht beyond his experience after a teacher is killed Eventually he marries his chil...
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