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Me: I’m as happy as pie Don’t worry about me

Vanessa: What flavor of pie? And just how happy is pie?

Laughter popped out She really was crazy

Vanessa: Seriously, I love and miss you I wish you didn’t feel the need to hide You’re way too a for that

A wave of loneliness crested throughSometimes I wished for that, too That it was easier for , like spending a weekend out on the strip

Bang Bang Bang

At the sudden pounding at the door, h-pitched squeak escaped

My attention flew to the open screen ofrooht red-handed in the most salacious of acts

I slammed down the lid in a bid to hide the evidence, set it aside, and pushed to my feet

I tugged down my oversized sweater a little farther and fu my best to still my rattled nerves

For real—it was ridiculous that I reacted this way That one single thing out of order, out of the expected, and anxiousness wasa play to ruin my day

I orking on that E upon her, at the same time

Chances were, it was so, anyway I didn’t need to get spun up over a little knocking

With all the confidence I had, I popped up to peek through the peephole

Oh, and thereup with a barbed-wire fence

At the fuzzy sight, my heart sputtered, athered on the nape of my neck

Oh my God

Oh no

Pulse racing, I tried to control my breaths that had started to come short and choppy

I was gonna have a panic attack

I sank back down ontofor an escape, only to ju took to the door Only this tih, “Open up”

Silky and hard

Was that even possible?

Okay, I had s to do than ponder the sexy tenor of his voice Like figuring out how in the world I was going to get out of this