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One Day
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
What if Shakespeare had it wrong?
To be, or not to be: that is the question That’s from Hamlet’s—maybe Shakespeare’s—most famous soliloquy I had to lish, and I can still reht back then I just wanted to get all the words right and collectquestion? What if the real question is not whether to be, but how to be?
The thing is, I don’t know if I would have asked myself that question—how to be—if it wasn’t for Ha the Allyson Healey I had been Doing just what I was supposed to do, which, in this case, was going to see Hamlet
“God, it’s so hot I thought it wasn’t supposed to get this hot in England” My friend Melanie loops her blond hair into a bun and fans her sweaty neck “What ti the doors, anyhow?”
I look over at Ms Foley, who Melanie and pretty roup has christened Our Fearless Leader behind her back But she is talking to Todd, one of the history grad students co-leading the trip, probably telling hi or other In the Teen Tours! Cultural Extravaganza brochure that raduation two raduate students were called “historical consultants” and were meant to bolster the “educational value” of the Teen Tours! But so far, Todd has beeneveryone out drinking alo extra wild It is, after all, our last stop, Stratford-upon-Avon, a city full of Culture! Which seems to translate into a disproportionate number of pubs na white sneakers
Ms Foley is wearing her own snohite sneakers—along with a pair of neatly pressed blue jeans and a Teen Tours! polo shirt—as she repriht, when everyone else is out on the town, she will tell ht to call the head office on hih I think partly because when she scolds, he flirts Even with Ms Foley Especially with Ms Foley
“I think it starts at seven,” I say to Melanie I look at raved Going Places It weighs heavy against my sweaty wrist “It’s six thirty now”
“Geez, the Brits do love to line up Or queue Or whatever They should take a lesson from the Italians, who just mob Or maybe the Italians should take a lesson froe skirt, she calls it—and adjusts her cao”
Roo? Or sixteen? All of Europe has becos, and prix-fixechicken in various kinds of sauce When raduation present, I was a little reluctant to go But Mom had reassured arded, noted for its high-quality educational component, as well as the care that was taken of its students I would be well looked after “You’ll never be alone,”too
And they were right I know everyone else gives Ms Foley crap for the eagle eye she keeps on us, but I appreciate how she is always doing a head count, even appreciate how she disapproves of the nightly jaunts to local bars, though e in Europe—not that anyone over here sees anyway