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Covetous Natalie Bennett 12650K 2023-08-28

This was the reason I chose not to have friends Sure, plenty of girls (and some boys) wanted to talk to me And it wasn’t that I didn’t want any friends It was the complete opposite I was just too ashamed of where I came from to open up and let someone in

When I finally got a look at the kitchen, I gagged at the sight that greetedtrash can Dishes were stacked in a sink full of contaminated water, still covered in food Take out containers and stray needles sat on the island

The smell reminded me of when Richard had locked my puppy in the basement to punish me

When he finally unlocked the padlock so I could go see her, it was this s dead I was six years old when I learned what death entailed, saw firsthand the horrible way so could die

I knew cleaning would be how I spent the reht So, I pulled ot busy Twentyat the bottom of the sink



Twenty-two days ago, my mother left me

I didn’t have any tears to shed over her abandonment, andhad changed For her, not much had The electricity was on, and whenever she did decide to come home that’s all she was concerned about

On the bright side, whoever was paying the bills was keeping basic foods in the cabinets and fridge

AndI was by myself almost every day now, but that was better than unwanted co about Richard sliding intohi forced to listen to the started

I kept up my same routine School, homework, shower, sleep, repeat On days I dealt with Cassie, it was all disco her to bed