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“What can I get for you guys?” she asks brightly, her blonde ponytail swinging

Trellis has a great brunchwith a double helping of fries and no salad Meanwhile, s, toast, bacon, home fries, and a side of French toast to top it all off Wow, that’s a lot I definitely getappetite from my dad, but I’m nowhere near his level

But that’s what I love about my boyfriend and my father Both of them approve of my enormous appetite and after the waitress bounces away, I take a sip of e juice

“So how are you young folks?”new to report?”

I nod “Everything is good,” I re on the horizon at all” With that, I shoot aabout last night Of course, my boyfriend would never be indiscreet like that, but justsure Meanwhile, Cyrus is totally unaware

“And school is going well?”

I nod enthusiastically “Yeah, it’s good The classes are tough, but then again, this is a graduate progra”

Cyrus nods with approval

“I’ree, honey,” he says “In rolish” Then, my father turns to Lia?”

I sit back, knowing that the twotime because Liauy is a master orker, and is in deets custom orders from Japan and Europe for his furniture and cabinetry In fact, Lia additional employees, and I’m really proud of his success Plus, carpentry is how Liam and Bart know each other because actually, Bart is also a master carpenter with his own company called Payne Works I’m not sure exactly how they h some industry event

Meanwhile, I yawn as I glance around the restaurant Business talk has always boredfussy Come to think of it, I loveAnnabella looks more like ine my dad’s dark features on a chubby baby face

Then, I tune back into the conversation between Lia about so so dull that my ears buzz

“Lumber prices are on the rise,” Dad says seriously “Have you accounted for that?”

“Yes, of course I’ll be honest, we did lose a few jobs over it, but we’ve been able to bounce back with other contracts I’uaranteed work for five whole years, if you can believe it”