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I opened ain

What the fuck did he care?

He worked for her, but the way he spoke made it seem like they had a deeper relationship She rarelythat he could handle certain sihter if needed I’d kept hi him into the fray, if at least to prove himself

Noondered if I should toss hiet him killed

“Erin is my fiancée and she’s your boss Thatyou to return to the house and stop asking questions”

“You botched today” Jarowl “Erin could’ve been in there If she was—”

“I wouldn’t let her get near the fighting” I moved closer He watchedabovetrack of it in his peripheral vision That was smart, very smart I shouldn’t underestimate him “She’s my priority now”

“Good” He dropped the cigar and stomped it out “I hope we understand each other Erin’s the only important person here She’s the one that walks away in the end”

“Careful what you say”

He sneered “Or else what?”

I dropped my posture and shook my head I didn’t need to measure dicks with this jumped-up nobody It was beneath me

I turned and headed back to the hotel Jas I wanted to look back, but resisted the urge—it’d only make me look weak

That man was a problem

Chapter 12


Red was steady and rhyth him carefully