Page 26 (1/2)

“Peter, I need to get insulin forin her head Most of the driving out here was on back roads or secondary highways An hour by car was probably about nine hours by dogsled That o hts

“Maybe Jonny Swede has some,” said Peter

“Insulin? Only diabetics use insulin” She tried to use her own obviously, idiot tone

Peter shrugged and Hannah glared at hi at his careless nonchalance He didn’t even seeet without insulin

“Does he have a satellite phone?” she asked

Peter laughed “He doesn’t even have a fridge He keeps all his stuff in a cold cellar He dragged this old bus up there toyellow bus with a shitter in the driver’s seat”

“Wow Gross”

Peter shrugged again Sometimes it felt like he wrapped hi it Even if he thought it was gross that Jonny Swede didn’t have a fridge and used a bus for a toilet, he would never say

“Then ould we go there?”

“He has a snowmobile He knows my dad”

“Your dad is in Quebec”

“He’ll co here Plus Jeb probably called in to her case worker”

“Case worker?”

“Yeah, the guy from the Forces who talks to her when she’s like this She always thinks he’s her superior officer when she’s gone like that,” he said, putting a finger to his temple He poured some of the boiled water into the stew pot, swirled it around, then dumped it out on the trail

“Who cares who Jeb calls?” said Hannah, annoyed at Peter forit all about him As usual