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Olivia (Logan 5) VC Andrews 13110K 2023-08-28

"Don't make tootheir faces in my business"

"Don'ta baby? You can't make too much of it It'se're here, Olivia You always tell ht youfaht?"

"Right, Sareat deal of commotion at work"

"I'll call my dad You'll tell your father at work?"

"Yes," I said, only that day, Daddy didn't co well and he would stay hoot, I left the office and went to the house

During the early reat billoaves, turning everything cold and eerie This dreary sky was still overhead when I arrived at Daddy's house

Effie Thornton, the newest reeted me at the door She was a short, round-faced stout woered hands She looked more like a peasant farm worker than a maid, but she was a hard worker who took her responsibilities seriously I knew she would find fault with Belinda quickly, but unlike the otherher feelings was so thick even Belinda's nasty remarks and actions couldn't pierce it Belinda was always co Daddy or me to fire her, but the more dissatisfied Belinda ith someone, the more I liked that person

"Oh, Mrs Logan, I'lad you're here today so you can see what I have to contend with," she said on greeting me

"What now?" I asked

"Just followroom I stopped dead in the doorway It was as if I had been slapped across the face The roolasses and beer bottles strewn about, along with plates, some overturned, some caked with food I saw food stains on the sofa and chairs, Mother's prized furniture A lamp had been knocked over, the Tiffany shade shattered

"What happened?" I asked when my breath returned

"Your sister threw a late night party She had at least a dozen people here and they carried on into the wee hours"

"My father let this happen?" I asked

She scowled

"Your father was dead asleep in his office, a bottle of whiskey in his lap I think you're going to have to have some professional carpet cleaners and furniture cleaners here with their an I'll do the best I can, but"