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My drea to dust

Oscar has asked me before, why this one?

What’s so special about this project? Why did I putit was a risk? Like Charlie’s answer for everything, mine wasn’t that simple

I putI do

An opportunity to create my own show is one-in-a-million

I loveart that speaks to the human condition

To produce a documentary series about the most misunderstood Cobalt and

Even thinking about how much I’ve invested eaze washes over me “Why didn’t I tell you?” he repeats the question

“Yeah,” I say, hot anger fueling me for a second “I understand you were upfront about the reason being a selfish one, and I appreciate that, but why not just tell e of that asshole’s behavior? We could have all ether to take him down”

Oscar chimes in, “You knoould have helped you, bro”

Charlie blinks, his eyes onthe footage to get a man fired I couldn’t take the risk”

My muscles stiffen “Then why not just filh this whole docuseries, Charlie?” I keep my voice steady, but I can even hear the thread of heat

“I already told you why,” Charlie’s eyes soften, alive Oscar? None”

Selfish and selfless The room sobers for a second

And I remember

Working on the pilot to Born into Faest opportunity of my life I found love Not just momentary love that passes like the seasons

I found love that lasts even when the screen fades to black

Charlie’s docuseries put me on a collision course with Oscar Oliveira It s and confusion about

Leaning more on his crutches, Charlie tells me, “And that’s even if I could accomplish the task Ernest is foul, but he’s not a complete moron He stifles his worst behavior whenever he seessincere