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We follow Gaspard quietly, and Jack leans closer to ainst my ear, “You’re fluent in French?” There’s the question

His warles my skin

“Yeah,” I whisper, “and it’s not the only language I’ Beach” I have to face forward more as we roll to a stop Gaspard led us to a heavy black curtain, which es to a side aisle in the audience

Before he leaves, Gaspard tells me that if we find Charlie, we can’t stay Packed house, after all

This is a mess

I don’t even know if I want to find hi to Client or not He’s going to hear it from me

I push aside the heavy curtain to a wonderland of velvet, lace, and 19th century glane soaks in ice buckets on candle-lit tables, chandeliers glinting overhead Patrons puff on cigars and cigarettes, and under red-tinted lights, they watch artists dance with belle-epoque style feather headdresses that are taller than the women ear them

Jewels dangle from costumes and ears Music thu around the playhouse

No matter how many tiic But I disentangle froe is a se

My eyes flit from the dancers to the back of the room

Sitting at his usual table, with a cigarette between two fingers, is Charlie Keating Cobalt “There he is,” I say hushed to Jack

He follows aze “Should ait That e don’t cause a scene” He’s thinking froe Hoould this look to the public?

But I’roup of people in ain From security’s standpoint, I need to be closer, and he needs to know I’m here

“No,” I say “We’re doing this now”

Letting the curtain fall behind us, we make our way to the back of the roone flutes, the at to Charlie

When I’arette in the ashtray He stands without hesitation “I’m ready”

I almost expel a breath of relief Quickly, I skio ahead” I don’t trust hiht

The three of us exit the cabaret Stars blanket the night sky, a crescentbesideromantic