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Her eyes eneration fisher out every day of his life whatever the weather, since he was five years old There had been no storh winds, and his boat was kept in pristine condition Nobody knehat had happened to cause hi, so there was little he could do But then Mr and Mrs Bartram were both found dead Mrs Bartram was inside, and Mr Bartraarden” Eliza glanced up at Edward briefly “Again, nothing suspicious about it, only that he had been hit on the head with a blunt object and had bled profusely His as found several days later tied and gagged and left in a cupboard in the kitchen Nobody knew she was there She had choked on her gag whilst being stuck in the cupboard”
“I can understand the last two being murders, but the others could have just been circu if there was rief was skewing her viewing events as they really were He hated to see her so upset and bring her further distress by expecting her to recount such disturbing events, but there was little he could do If he had a hope of keeping the that had happened – however distressing
“This was all in the space of teeks Edward” Eliza’s voice became sharp, her eyes full of absolute conviction as she stared at hi much really happened Oh, it was busy Ships of all sizes ca harbour, not awarships or the like It was also a village and like any other village up and down the country there were deaths, butchildren, babies and old people For all of these people to die in the space of teeks was suspicious on its oithout the question of Mr Macleary’s unusual circumstance and the murders of Mr and Mrs Bartram” It wasn’t lost on Edward that she believed the accuracy of what she was saying
“There were also the rumours”
“What ru if any of this had anything to do with the rief brought about by the events of the past day
“Two or three people became vocal about the suspicious nature of the deaths They spoke to my father about it, and told hiin to suspect Scraggan”
“But that’s two or three people in a se Gossip is bound to be rife, especially if nothing et your father’s attention off the s activities”
“Edward, the people who becaan was involved in the murders all turned up dead” Eliza’s voice became harsh in the silence as she leant forwards in her chair She had co the knife as she stared at hiravity of the situation that had unfolded
“Can you really consider that just circuantly and settled back in her chair, returning to her whittling of the apple mulch as she stared absently into the fire
“My father didn’t, and he began to investigate Before theships in the port and had several of the more troublesome fishermen in his e them Those who didn’t join lived in fear for their lives So their families behind Soan’s group beca, sooods they were s wariness appear on his face
“YouHe iht of his brother Dolers in Norfolk prior to Isobel being kidnapped
Eliza nodded slowly “My father began to investigate There were so a wary eye on Scraggan while re a healthy distance from him They watched and reported to my father, but obviously lived in fear of their own lives”
“Why didn’t your father send you away? He er yourselves”
“We were a close knit fa myself and Jemima to depend upon my father He idolisedher Instead he turned his attention to raising us as best he could” Eliza saw the scepticism steel over Edward’s face and became defensive
“It , but it was sufficient foremboldened by her san to look after the house Je, helped my father with his papers”