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Daed Goods Debbi Mack 12710K 2023-08-28

“I tell theain not to stay in touch with anyone from their old life, but they do it anyway,” she said “The problem is people really don’t want to leave their old lives They’re usually running away fro they’ll never escape—themselves”



I decided to take a bit of a risk I’m not on Facebook or Twitter, so my clients come to me by personal referral only And I can’t think of a soul I’d want to connect with through social e and opened a Facebook account under the slightly different na the photo Melissa’s father had provided as the profile picture Then, I searched for her old friend Katie Saunders, verified her status as a teaching assistant at Columbia University, and sent her a friend request I waited, but not for long

My request went unaccepted, but within a day, I got a e back: WTF?

The response spawned nuuesses Time to nail down the truth


With advice fro around Then I called Nick to thank hi town for a while”

“What’s up? Where are you off to?” he asked

“Better you don’t know”

“Erica” Spoken like a warning “What are you doing now?”

“It’s about that case I had There’s unfinished business”

“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Nick said

I laughed “I’e this on my own”

Nick grunted whatto help”