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"That's all very well," cried Montag, "but what are they mad about? Who are these people? Who's that man and who's that woed, what? Good God, nothing's connected up"

"They--" said Mildred--"well, they--they had this fight, you see They certainly fight a lot You should listen I think they're married Yes, they're married Why?"

And if it was not the three walls soon to be four walls and the drea a hundredback and both trying to hear as said, but hearing only the scream of the car "At least keep it down to the minimum!" he yelled "What?" she cried "Keep it down to fifty-five, the minimum!" he shouted "The what?" she shrieked "Speed!" he shouted And she pushed it up to one hundred and five miles an hour and tore the breath from his mouth

When they stepped out of the car, she had the Seashells stuffed in her ears

Silence Only the wind blowing softly

"Mildred" He stirred in bed

He reached over

and pulled the tiny musical insect out of her ear "Mildred Mildred?"

"Yes" Her voice was faint

He felt he was one of the creatures electronically inserted between the slots of the phono-color walls, speaking, but the speech not piercing the crystal barrier He could only panto she would turn his way and see hilass

"Mildred, do you know that girl I was telling you about?"

"What girl?" She was almost asleep

"The girl next door"

"What girl next door?"