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She can try, but she won’t get far

As the side door opens, I turn to watch her get shoved in beside me The door is slaether When she finally looks up, our gazes ht of her bound wrists and teared-up cheeks

She’s right I am fucked up

There’s a reason my brother was always the favorite of the family I could never live up to that But maybe that was only for the better After all, I’m still here while he’s miles deep in the water

“Are you enjoying this?” she asks

I raise a brow “Are you?”

“They’remy question “My life isn’t a joke This isn’t funny anymore”

I plant my elbow on the small sill in the car and cock my head “It wasn’t funny when you killed my brother either”

Her face contorts “I didn’t kill him”

“He drowned in the water because of your terrible driving skills”

“There was a storm,” she says “And you don’t know if he drow—”

“Exactly There was a storm,” I retort “And you still chose to drive off in your fucking car”

She throws lare, but when her lips part, no words come out

It’s quiet for a while, and I look outside atabout fuck knoith Hugo I don’t even care what’s going on

“Please, Luca Don’t let your parents do this,” she says

My nostrils flare as I shift in aze in her eyes catches uard

She’s never begged before, and I quite honestly love the sound of her voice when she does I could listen to this for days Years

But she deserves everything she gets for killingmy parents’ vision of the future And if thatbe it

At least now I’ll get a chance to prove I’ brother

“Luca, please, I’ you,” she says

Is it so bad to bewife?

“Convince the”

A servant?

Jill serving us—ht to behold, watching Jill prance around my room in a skimpy outfit just to pick up after

But it’s not I don’trules, and now that e than they’ve ever been before After all, he was the favorite son … and now all they have left is me