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I about losea duet with hier at e I hope I don’t let hiht is so important to him

When I hear what song, we are singing oofed off singing this in the car together We sing, ‘Future Starts Slow,’ by ‘The Kills’ It’s my favorite!

Kai leans up againstour hearts out, as if we have always been a duo I so hope so this on film

“Katie Francis, everyone,” Kai says throwing a wink at e

They do a few more covers and it is over

Kai rushes froives s around his waist and clasping my hands around his neck “I’m so proud of you Kai”

“Does this et to see what you wanted to show me?”

“No but you can feel it for now,” I tease

He falls back into the wall banging et that it hurts when his finger grazes the thin white lace triangle coveringinto ht now and I a out of h fro into , “nice ass”

“Killing me Kai, want you so bad” I throw his words at him

He takesto the back door He kicks thethuht hits my face and I can taste the salt froue My backs is pressed into the hard brick of the building His pants are unzipped and ainst the wall The brick is tearing atme all of him takes my mind off the pain

I a with Kai is worth any amount of hurt

Hunter co ed on the brick and tears slightly Kai pulls his shirt off and gives it to me to cover my ass with

“Man, there is so for you”

I squeeze Kai’s hand This Is It