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“What are we doing here?” She eyes the blanket and gives me a skeptical look I can’t say that I blame her I wouldn’t trust me either if I were her She has no reason to trust me I take my jacket off and roll it up to lay my head on

“Vegging out,” I answer her and lay down on the blanket withup at the , I drive out here and just stare at moon or the stars whichever isthe absolute quiet that surrounds us The only thing to be heard for miles is the sounds of nature

Reluctantly, Liri kicks off her shoes and coround is hard, and she doesn’t have anything to support her head I sit up partially to slide an arm underneath her back and pull her to me to rest her head on my chest I settle back into my spot and we lay underneath theinto onco traffic

Mindlessly, I struh her dark ers “That feels nice,” she says lazily

“A you to sleep?” I cock my head sideways to look at her Liri’s eyes are closed, and she has this dreamy smile on her face One of contentment

“Alhs then sits up

I lean up on

“I guess you are wondering why I was acting like a crazy person earlier” She fidgets, twisting her fingers together “My parents split when I was one years old I don’t reot wasted and totaled hisstory short he suffered severe brain trauoing to leave with Woodroasn’t expecting ainside me and I panicked All I could think about was the accident that ruined my birth father’s life It sounds silly now that I say it aloud”

She turns away like she is embarrassed

“That’s really tragic and fucked up sounding”

“I know I overreacted, and Woodrow probably thinks I’m a total fruitcake”

“Do you care what he thinks?”

“I freaked out on the guy and ran away I must have looked stupid”

“You looked like someone in pain, Liri”

I want to be the one to coh neither of us are worthy of her