Page 50 (1/2)
Behind hi open Ben didn’t need to turn around He recognized the heavy tread all too well
“Martino” Jin Huang loo to sit “Have money?”
With a nod, Ben half swiveled on the stool and handed over the envelope “Here”
Jin counted the bills, after which his brick-wall body stiffened “Two thousand short”
“I know Tell Xiao he’ll have it as soon as I do”
A strong hand clah”
“Neither is business,” Ben replied tonelessly “The whole gar down the toilet, in case you haven’t noticed” His glance flickered to Jin Huang’s grip on his ar me a favor”
“That’s why killing is later Telling secret is now”
Ben squeezed
his eyes shut, more sickened by the latter than the for had made sure of it “Don’t Please Give et the money”
Jin’s black eyes scrutinized him, flat and emotionless “A week No more”
“Fine A week”
“And not two thousand Twenty-five hundred You pay interest Plus next week’s money—all of it”
Ben nodded, utter desolation pervading hi I owe Xiao”
“You better”