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Liu was slowly killing thesetheir bodies and their spirits

And soon Xiao would be afforded the supre their lives

“What I’ve just told you remains between us,” Liu stated It wasn’t a request It was an order “The circu Meili’s death have been concealed That’s the way I intend it to stay”

“Of course, A Sook” Xiao bowed his head “You have e”

“And you have my trust”

That was that In the blink of an eye, Liu was no longer the grieving father He was the Dragon Head

“It’s time to share the final phase of les will soon be arriving in Ah to ensure we reap roundwork you laid with their Albanian-A is in order for their arrival You will run the entire operation It is complex, but I know you’ll succeed My niece and her amah will play key roles in the entire plan, especially in the demise of my enemies It must unfold quickly, and with ultimate precision After that, my personal scores will be settled, and the triad will be left wealthy and strong”

“Left?” Xiao refused to ignore the finality of Liu’s statement

Without responding, Liu rose, gripping the chair arms for support The conversation had clearly worn hiain By the time you return to New York, you will be ready”

“A Sook,” Xiao inserted quickly, also rising to his feet “I’m honored by your faith ingreat wealth to our triad And I’ll take personal pleasure in killing your eneency causes me concern Why have you so rapidly accelerated your plan?”

Liu faced Xiao without erows short”

“I will not accept that” Xiao had never spoken so disrespectfully to his Dragon Head But this was one time he couldn’t contain himself “You will not leave this earth I won’t perht it”

Rather than becohts cannot be won, my son Not even by you My cancer is advanced It’s spread throughout my body I’ll be dead in a month, maybe two”

Hearing the news spoken aloud, Xiao felt as if he’d been punched in the gut His Dragon Head was his inspiration, the man he’d modeled his life after Others died Liu lived forever

“There will be no ,” Liu instructed Xiao “Only acceptance and preparation Live up to your potential Put my affairs in order Fulfill my final requests Then I can die in peace”