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“Window or aisle?”
“Window, please”
“Six A,” she said, handing him a ticket
It a back in the saht
“Do you have any luggage to check in, sir?”
“No, just this,” he said, holding up his bag
“The flight is due to take off shortly, sir, so it h to customs”
Harry wondered how many times a day she delivered that particular line He was happy to obey her suggestion and, as he passed a bank of telephones, his thoughts turned to Emma and Mrs Babakov, but he would have to wait until he was back in London before he could tell them the news
He was only a couple of strides away from passport control when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder He turned to find two heavily built young police on either side of him
“Would you come with me,” said one of the officers, confident that Harry spoke Russian
“Why?” asked Harry “I’ht”
“We just need to check your bag If there are no irregularities, you’ll have ht”
Harry prayed they were looking for drugs, cash, or contraband, as they gripped hi a dash for it Perhaps twenty years ago …
The policemen stopped outside an unmarked door, unlocked it, and shoved Harry inside The door sla in the lock He looked around the roo on the walls other than a large black and white photograph of Comrade Brezhnev, chairman of the party
Moain Harry already had half a story prepared about having coe The door opened and a antly dressed officer caused Harry to feel apprehensive for the first tiold stars on his epaulets and too ht be easily intimidated Two very different men followed him in, whose appearance seemed to disprove Darwin’s theory of evolution