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“I turned him down I told him I wanted one more crack at Bristol Docklands”

“And one more crack at Fisher, no doubt,” said Harry

“That would be part of the reason,” adain, I’ll call it a day”

“I think you’re out of your mind,” said Emma

“Which is exactly what you said when I first told you twenty-five years ago that I was going to stand for Parliament”

“As a socialist,” Emma reminded him

“If it rees with you”

“Does that ot back from New York?” asked Harry

“Yes, and before you ask, he clammed up the moment I raised the subject”

“A pity,” said Harry “Such a reirl”

“But what I can tell you is that when I dropped into his office before taking hi on the wall behind his desk that I’d never seen before It was called My Mom, and I could have sworn it was Jessica’s hand”

“A painting of me?” asked Emma

“No, that’s the strange thing,” said Giles “It was of Samantha”

“Sloane offered you ten pounds a share?” said Ross Buchanan “But that doesn’t ht shillings this ”

“He was si to find out what my limit was,” said Seb “Once he realized I wasn’t interested, he threw in the towel and lost his temper”