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Both of thee for your shares,’ Cornelius continued, ‘I would release you from your debt to me, and also settle any embarrassment with Mr Botts’

Elizabeth began to protest, but Hugh asked, ‘Is there any alternative?’

‘Not that I can think of,’ said Cornelius

‘Then I don’t see that we’re left withto his wife

‘But what about all those years we’ve put into the company?’ wailed Elizabeth

‘The shop hasn’t been showing a hile profit for some time, Elizabeth, and you know it If we don’t accept Cornelius’s offer, we could be paying off the debt for the rest of our lives’

Elizabeth remained unusually silent

‘Well, that seems to be settled,’ said Cornelius ‘Why don’t you just pop round and have a ithis in order’

‘And will you sort out Mr Botts?’ asked Elizabeth

‘The ned over the shares, I’ll deal with the proble settled by the end of the week’

Hugh bowed his head

‘And I think it ht be wise,’ continued Cornelius - they both looked up and stared apprehensively at hih were to remain on the board of the company as Chairman, with the appropriate remuneration’

‘Thank you,’ said Hugh, shaking hands with his brother ‘That’s generous of you in the circumstances’ As they returned down the corridor Cornelius stared at the portrait of his son once again

‘Have you ed to find somewhere to live?’ asked Elizabeth

‘It looks as if that won’t be a problem after all, thank you, Elizabeth I’ve had an offer for The Willows far in excess of the price I’d anticipated, and ith the windfall from the auction, I’ll be able to pay off allme with a comfortable sum over’