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Angel Laura Lee 9060K 2023-08-28

“A one-night stand, ent”

“Have you done that? Had a one-night stand?”

“A couple times It was fun in the moment, but afterwards it see on the other person, because you don’t even know her You’re focusing on yourself If you go around just having sex because it feels good to you—you’re not connecting to anybody You ”

“I’d love to hear you say that in church”

“I’d word it differently”

“You’d kind of have to”

“My personal feeling about why the church tries to proe is that ideally it preserves the real life-affir kind of sexuality It’s not just about sensation and your own pleasure, it’s about connecting to someone else on a deep and serious level Maybe churches are clumsy in how they express that sometimes”

“Cluht people can have that”

“Yeah, clumsy like that”

“You don’t believe that?”

“Believe what?”

“Leviticus 18:22”

“Oh, that again”

“You think two ’ sex?”

“Yeah, I do Of course they can”