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“You did so good, oddamn proud of you”
A happy smile spread across his mouth “Love you so much Love you both so much,” he whispered
I could feel his body giving up the fight as his e to coe pleasure was iven in return
“I love you, Sage More than you will ever know”
Daisy whispered her oords of love to hiase away from us for the briefest of time, he found that peace inside of hi a lifetime for
Six Months Later
“We don’t have to do this,” I reravel driveway
“I know,” he said “I’ on Daisy’s thigh She was sitting between us in the front seat of our truck and I’d never been rateful for bench seats in e
I’d debated long and hard over whether ere about to do was the right thing or not, but after talking to Sage’s therapist about it, we’d decided it ht offer some of the closure he needed
If such a thing could really be had after all he’d suffered
It had taken us a long tie was able to connect with He went through three before he finally found one who he felt spoke to hi ist, it’d still taken him weeks to open up to her about the cult that had destroyed his life and stolen his innocence He’d only recently admitted to the woman that he’d been the one to take Mouse’s life We hadn’t been certain if it was so that should be addressed with the local cops who’d investigated Mouse’s death or not Although she hadn’t said assleeping dogs lie As far as she was concerned, it was the cult who’d killed Mouse Just as surely as they’d nearly killed Sage
Daisy and I had participated in Sage’s sessions whenever he or the therapist had asked us to, but it was a process that he had to endure ress He was taking onwith soh it first If at that point he still felt the need to have me take over for him, I always did His therapist knew about the dyna us for it, she’d actually helped us to figure out when and how to use it to help Sage in his recovery Instead of it being Sage’s only coping et through the darker moments
Which were fortunately happening less and less
After Sage’s admission about what had been done to hio I’d talked to Ronan and Memphis about the so-called church and its beliefs and before I’d even finished my story, Ronan and Memphis had started in on a plan to try and pinpoint if any sects re the one that had been responsible for the brutality forced on Sage and Mouse If they were found, they’d be punished and any kids ere located would be rescued
But I wouldn’t be doing the punishing, though a part of
For Sage’s sake, I knew I couldn’t be a part of it He needed to put the cult behind him and there was no way for that to happen if I was participating in the process of bringing the perpetrators to justice And there was no way in hell I’d do it in secret, either Sage knew that the group would be going after the et would be if the people who’d hurt him and Mouse specifically were found Even then, I’d be the one to reed to that
Daisy was also liation Like e and she wanted us to be able to move on from the past as a family So Mav would be the one who’d handle the tech side of the investigation
Life between the three of us had settled into so I doubted any one of us could have envisioned It was almost too easy soht we’d ether for the first tilected on the stove for hours and hours) Daisy was busy ork, but she rarely played her online gae and I had no issue with her enjoying them We suspected that while most of that stemmed from her desire to spend more time with us, at least part of it had to do with the reotten word that there was a new lead that one of Ronan’sto follow up on to see if it led anywhere, but Daisy, not surprisingly, was careful not to get her hopes up