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Both ed a lot in the past feeeks They’d started being more affectionate with one another in front of e orders when it was clear that hat he needed to get through a tough moment They’d included me in a lot of their conversations and activities and I’d started to feel like less and less of a guest
But I still wasn’t sure what I was
I’d talked to Ronan several times over the past two months and he’d continued to extend the offer to have me come stay with him and his family, or to at least set up shop in Seattle so I could be close to the had always heldon Sage and Cash’s life together, there was soh onmy life over someplace else
Because I was co to think that for me, there was no place else
I was exactly where I was meant to be
It didn’t hurt that er in the past several weeks Before, it had just been an undeniable attraction and this weird sense of rightness when I was around them But theto fall for them
Yes, them
I’d seen enough from Me in love with two people at the sa difference when it cae, and Cash
Because Sage and Cash were already together and had been for a while Their love for one another was so strong and unbreakable that I wasn’t certain there was room for another person in their life And it wasn’t like I had anything to offer either man
Those bouts of insecurity should have been enough to sendmyself to leave A part of me was afraid that I was so desperate to be a part of their fa a third wheel
It wasn’t that Cash and Sage had ever ine either of the the same way about me how they felt about each other
There was also the niggling concern that what they wanted fro to believe that my worries weren’t coe had upped their ga in their bed every night after I was certain they were done ive them a certain amount of tioing to their rooether
Every glorious moment
All thethe wall, the shouts of co ed to stifle ashts were usually off by the time I snuck into their room because I probably wouldn’t have been able to hide ot into bed with them
Besidessure I heard the the direct physical contact with ht seeers drifted overit I often walked in on the out – so they hadn’t ever done when I’d first moved in And they never separated when they saw er on each other’s bodies and my eyes were drawn to their every otten to a point that I was pretty uaranteed to be turned on when I was in the same room with them
But I didn’t want to be just one of their conquests I hadn’t forgotten what Cash had told ht other people into their bed for sexual sport While it admittedly turned me on in some ways, I also knehat I’d feel like after they were finished with h (or at all) to understand what they’d h when they sent me back to my room ere finished