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“Coers find us”

She heard a door slaate Heather was breathless, trying to escape her confines What would they do with her? Hunters usually wanted pelts, so as she still breathing? She couldn’t shift and give away the centuries-old secret of shifters

Why couldn’t she have stayed ho demons of her past to control her actions? She couldn’t save everyone, and she had to realize her life had to go on even though it would never be the same

Any realizations she had were pointless now She was a caged ith al hunters Her fate was ood for her

If she could cry, she would have Instead, her wolf thrashed in the cage until her et a chance to escape? All she needed was for them to have a second of weakness, then she could find her freedoain

She noticed the an to slon Panic overwhelmed her It didn’t make sense for her to still be alive Hunters killed for pleasure or reward No one wanted to see a wolf in a zoo To most humans, wolves were a menace to be dealt with

Two e and hoisted it out of the truck, dropping it uncereround next to an old wooden cabin That hen she heard the growl Heather noticed two other cages in the near distance One had a hts went to the young she-bear she’d been unable to find earlier

What the hell was going on?

“This is going to be good,” said one of the men

“I want in for five hundred,” said another

“Keep theitated until they have the pit ready”