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“That’s a given at the aze drifts over the penthouse, over the bloody towels and ashen-faced Moe, then toward the hall that leads to where Ross bled out

“Shouldn’t we call the police?” Michelle’s voice is shaky and small, so unlike her

Caleb snorts “For what?”

She falters, taken aback “I mean… Mercy’s been kidnapped They’ll help us find her”

“Oh, you sweet girl Still so naïve” He tsks “You think they have the first damn clue where to look for her? We have a better shot of finding her on our own”

“I just thought…”

“The last thing we need is anyone snooping around in here, including your new best friend, Agent Lewis, downstairs You think she cares what happens to Mercy? Only if it helps her case” Caleb slips Michelle’s phone out of his pocket, the one he confiscated last night, and waves it in the air “And if she gets involved, I proain We all know you stabbed her in the back, but is that what you want?”

Michelle answers hi

“Well then, don’t get any ideas You just keep playing along like life’s one big happy party then, while Gabe and I deal with this fah, he slides his own phone out andcash”

I don’t care if we don’t have two coins to rub together, if it e for the elevator, not waiting to confir

“Didn’t expect to see you back here again so soon,” Donny drawls, his keys jangling against his side with each step as he leadsthe narrow, dank corridor and into an older, rarely used section of the prison

“Yeah,more frequent rather than less, the exact opposite of what I want Then again, it serves as an icy cold shower tohe wants, I could end up behind these bars with him

I could end up as hateful and twisted as he is