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world stage was in our own fucking backyard It didn’t make any damn sense All this talent All this skill Millions in paychecks and endorse ones

I strutted into the dressing room I needed a bottle of water and a few aspirins to nurse the end of the hangover I doubted I could get a pint delivered before practice started I lickedhow that would taste in the heat

My T-shirt was stuck to the front of my chest I pulled it away from my skin as I looked for my locker

We shared these lockers with tearoup I didn’t expect to see raved over the bench, but I expected more than what I had I was an international na line I had sponsorships for beverages and watches, and I had recently signed a contract forto be the full Lachlan Kenzie experience They were developing the same as well I had more corporate star power than anyone else in this room

I stared at the empty locker Where were my damn boots? Where was the practice kit? There wasn’t even water in this fucking place

The rest of the guys started hollering at the equipment handlers I wasn’t the only one who complained about this cock up

I ran hbut total shit

“What the fuck?” I roared

My teled I drew back and knocked the side of the box where my equipment should be

“Lach, calm the fuck down”

I shook out my palm Blood trickled froed line

I stormed past the other players

“Where are you going?” Conley tried to jump in front of h of his bullshit for the day

“Lach, come on!”

I didn’t answer I kept walking I e lined on one side hite chalk They weren’t ready for us I grabbed a ball from the rack and kicked it halfway across the stadium It curved in mid-air I didn’t bother to see where it landed or if it hit anyone as it rocketed off my foot

I strutted over the grass, leaving the stadium behind