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“Why?” Madison asked, giving hiive each other when one of the or screwed so up
“I have to pick up the steaks,” he said
“You forgot!” Madison accused of hi him on the back
He laughed “Shit, you’re a hard woman to please, Madison Cole I just reotten because I’ll have them in time for the party”
She laughed and pointed at the door “Go! Hurry”
He leant in for a kiss and then he left, throwing a wink over his shoulder I loved watching theether; there was so ether
“Oh crap, I forgot to tell J so I’ll be back in a minute,” she promised as she ran out to find him
I busiedplates and cups ready for the party Scott was celebrating his thirty-fifth birthday and I’d been surprised when he agreed to this party It had only been about teeks since Bullet had tried to rape and kill me; teeks since Scott and Blade had killed him He’d been open with me about the fact that they’d taken care of hione down I didn’t want to know, so I was glad he hadn’t shared thattold me that he never would; that it had actually been out of character for him to tell me as much as he had
We’d invited some non club members to the party and I was excited Mu and Lisa was too
“Hey, babe,” he murmured in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist
I juhts and hadn’t heard him come in “Hey, you”
He turnedon my ass “I have a confession to tell you”