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I wave a hand in front ofa few times before I take another breath I can smell the pizza place across the street, and the Thai restaurant adjacent on the corner They both s
My exciteut like a tsuna like this Ever since I was a little girl, I alanted to live in a big city Now I' it
I grabset of steps to the front door The bags are heavy, full of allmy life here in this neorld
The building isn't as pretty as the picture I saw on Google, but the apartirl na for a roommate It was the perfect opportunity for me to do this We chatted for a feeeks, and she finally said if I wanted the other room, she'd be happy to have me
There's soto becoreat friends
A woot it,” I say, pushinginside The door clicks shut behind hts of stairs The apartment is on the fifth floor, number sixty-two
Thunk, thunk, thunk
The suitcases sla a few sets of eyes from random doorways People poke their heads out into the hall on the second floor, givingup on my own No one offers to help, and I'm okay with that I wouldn't accept it anyway
I've always been a bit stubborn about doing things on my own And I don't really care if these people are annoyed, I'etting But I'll have to get used to living this close to other people, where any noise I ht draw attention
I' of the fourth floor Onea second to wipe a bead of sweat off ht of stairs, I can't help but wonder how the hell I' else to carry up