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“Uh, thanks?” I don’t have anyone ould write to me Email or text, sure, but not put words to paper
Accepting the envelope fro when I see they’ve already opened it Likely toAnnoyed, I read
Dear North,
I realize this er My naned on to write letters to at-risk youth and was given your name
I don’t know anything about you other than your naht I’d tell you a bit about me first off
I’ton, and I live in Kitsap now I’ve been in the Navy since the day I turned 18 I grew up in foster care, bouncing from home to home because I had a bad temper and nasty attitude (So says my shitty social worker)
I travel all over the world for the military and am currently stationed at a Naval base in Spain as overwatch to another base before I’ain
When I am home, I tend to train more I don’t have much of a life; at least not many people I care to spend a decent amount of time with I run a lot, fish, hike when I have the time
Not sure what else to tell you I’
I say again… How is this my life?
Letters from soldiers now?
I’uy A little bored maybe But ould he write some snot-nosed kid with a bad attitude? His time is precious These punks don’t deserve it to be wasted on them
Hell, neither do I
You sound like a rock star with that name
TellI respect your position, the job that you do, but why are you wasting precious time on punk-ass kids with no value for life?
These assholes have no idea what they’re doing with their lives and thrive oneveryone around here miserable
The hissy fits! The throns over stupid shit like TV time or rec time is ridiculous I ain’t perfect, never claimed to be, but some of the peo