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The flae and yellow I can feel the heat baking off the aroundpain I can never escape…never forget

Outside the door, I hear

The door bursts open at last and they are there, but the fla up the back ofht They are ravenous—insatiable They intended to eat me alive—I know that just as I know there is no escape from them

“Katy!” my mother screams as she runs to me, heedless of the wall of fire between us “Katy—my baby!”

She dives through the fla around her like the wings of a great and terrible bird enfolding her She pullsto eatthat we have to run…have to get out…

Get out, I think We have to get out!

We will never get out

And then I s flesh and know it is my own…

I woke up with tears in ht with panic, as I always did when I dreamed of The Fire

I thought of it that way—capitalized in h—it had taken everything frolish teacher would call “the seh it had happened over two years ago, when I was barely fourteen, the dream made it seem as fresh as ever I could still hearflames…

A sob caught in my throat and then another as a vast sense of loss filled one—they had leftback My wonderful, wise mother anddad jokes to ain—not on this side of eternity, anyway