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Book 1

Adam Reynolds wants to erous borough

Naïve Ellie Palh side of town She only has to hear Adareatness

When Ada the victi that two teenagers never thought they would find in such a depressing place Each other

This is a standalone novel in the Rockstar Series

This book contains graphic abuse, loads of British slang, and a draeles



Music has healing power It has the ability to take people out of themselves for a few hours

-Elton John

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain

-Bob Marley

Music was e I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness

-Maya Angelou

You didn’t know that I’d never let go Me on the door Of my unconscious devotion

-Adam Reynolds, Unconscious Devotion

To Drew and Sydney Where it all began


I would just like to clarify what you will be reading in Adam Reynolds’ story, Incite Adauage true to his heritage, however, keep in s or always use the British vernacular for certain words

I will be using friends from the UK, for reference now and then, but I can’t ask people to repeatedly edit le Briticiso, kids finished school at 16 not 18 unless further education was the plan, but really, ants to read about 16 year olds having sex andlife decisions? Let’s not nitpick the small stuff

Happy reading! Cheers!