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Between this business and her boy, Gypsy Wright was running on fu to man her own bar

Gypsy grabbed a soda dispenser in each hand and topped off the alcohol-laden drinks with a spritz of soda water, then set them on the tray held by one of her cocktail waitresses

Customers stood three-deep at the bar and called orders at anyone ould listen Gypsy focused on a good-looking twenty-so into a recently vacated sliver of space The smile on his face told Gypsy exactly what he’d order before it came out of his mouth

Even as the words “Hey, I know you probably get hit on all the time, but you’re so damn beautiful, I couldn’t help myself—” caet his attention

Once she had it, she pulled her shirt taut and pointed at the words across the front: I only have room for one man in my life He’s three years old and not fully potty-trained

When the guy’s brow furrowed, Gypsy rolled her eyes, reached beneath the counter, and pulled out one of the ns she and the other female bartenders had created for themselves With Mardi Gras-type beads for the chain and balsae base, they’d painted every rejection they could think of, one for each sign Of course, they were also decorated with enough bling to irl proud

“How ‘bout this one?” she said, hands against the bar, giving hin read: NO JUST NO

The guyand disappeared into the crowd Gypsy i blonde woman “What do you need?”

“One of those signs,” she said, grinning “But I’ll settle for three white wines”

While Gypsy worked on filling the woure out how she’d messed up the schedule so bad that she found herself stuck here instead of hole way too much, but she felt like if she dropped one ball, the rest would end up bouncing around her feet too

With success came a unique set of pressures, for sure

She needed aon a daily basis She needed four to keep therand slam lineup, she needed five

For the last three nights, the Opry had been packing heat, and tonight, Gypsy was doo bartenders because she’d stupidly given two of her best the saht off

Now her back hurt, her feet ached, and the live lanced at her watch, wondering how er it would be until she could shout last call and fall face-first into her pillow

Midnight? How could it only be ed, her eyes closed, and her head dropped back with a groan On the bright side, she’d get to sleep in to Cooper overnight

Gypsy took a deep breath and pointed at a young h to be in her bar Fake IDs just kept getting better and better The kid ordered three shots of Jager, and Gypsy lined them up Based on the fifty-dollar bill he passed her before disappearing with the shots, Gypsy was sure he’d already had too many