Chapter 6068: Nothing To Pity (1/2)

Chapter 6068: Nothing To Pity

The : “Sir, host ht have an answer There is this one battle known as Old Pact Strike, no one knows the conclusion” Li Qiye said

“I know the battle you’re referring to but due to the rules, we had to avoid it Everything was in status and we knew little about the process and outcohost market was involved Who were the participants frohost monarch” The man said: “But in my opinion, it wasn’t a direct involvement The monarch wasn’t the one to start this nor was the monarch able to close the her existence, this place wasn’t ato do with Fiendish Ground It belonged to Evil Transformation” Li Qiye said

“Yes, and I do not knohat happened later since I came after” He said: “We can only trace back to the source if ant an answer”

“Fiendish Ground and Evil Transformation must have made a deal” Li Qiye siven the rules, but with the perspective of the battle in host market started from an outsider” He said

“Go on” Li Qiye said

“The rules dictate for us to stay away Nevertheless, we still felt so and I felt the presence of old friends” He said

“Then you kneho came” Li Qiye said

“Sir, I was close with Brother wang Yangroup consisting of the top progenitors in Three Ihost market participated due to a disparity in power”

“Sure, but their target was not Zhan Sansheng” Li Qiye said

“I agree, and in terhost market” He paused for a second and said: “I know it’s easy for you to find the answer, it’s just that you don’t want to destroy the rules”

“Yes, because when I do, you ghosts won’t live any longer” Li Qiye smiled

“The market will cease to exist then, I appreciate how hed

“Pity? I do not pity since you all chose to be ghosts out of your own volition You are responsible for your current state” Li Qiye said

“I understand, it is so I should shoulder That’s why I harbor little ambition and truly appreciate the joy you’ve shownfor the past shows you haven’t given up on it It’s better to experience it again instead of whatever you’re doing right now” Li Qiye said

“It would have been good if I had understood this back then I wouldn’t be in this state right now” He said sentiiven how arrogant and doe World” Li Qiye said

He chuckled aardly before responding: “Sir, I wasn’t that arrogant and would have listened given the opportunity”

“Listened? When you were in your pri” Li Qiye smiled