Chapter 4483: Seering Attempt (1/2)

Chapter 4483: Seering Attempt

“Not interested” Li Qiye nonchalantly said

“What is it that can interest you then, Great Immortal?” The daoist scratched his head

“Are you senile? The young noble already said that he is interested in the nine heavenly treasures Get him those artifacts andchinorant brat, what do you know?” The daoist glanced at Jian Ming with disdain: “The heavenly treasures , a dimension or a world”

“Then I suppose you wereskill If it was actually as good as you clai dimensions and worlds shouldn’t be a proble immediately responded

“You-!” The daoist had a hard ti ing a different song than the one earlier”

The daoist’s chest puffed up and down fro caused his beard to sway

“You know quite a few things, a testament to your clan’s ability” Li Qiye commented

“Hehehe, you’re too kind, Great Immortal” The daoist’s mood instantly beca”

He spoke hu but His face briendary divining ability then, calculate to see whether the nine treasures actually exist or not” Jian Ming taunted

“Brat, have you seen any before?” The daoist glared

“Well, no…” Jian Ming answered honestly

“Then do you kno mysteries and inscrutable they are?” The daoist uttered coldly

“” Jian Ming couldn’t answer The treasures only existed in a few legends and even then, they weren’t documented clearly at all

“What does this have to do with your clan’s divining art?” He argued

“Fool How can anyone even start calculating if they have no idea what it is in the first place? Do you know A’hua froly? When there is no initial basis, there’s nothing to do” The daoist coldly explained

Jian Ming was on the losing side this time and couldn’t bite back