Chapter 2451 - Western Continents Situation (1/2)
Chapter 2451 – Western Continent’s Situation
“Establish a city?”
shi+ Feng’s request stunned Adolf for ahis leg
If Yan Xiaoqian had heard shi+ Feng, she would assu
As on the eastern continent, players could establish Guild Towns and Cities in the west, but because of a few differences, there were far fewer Guild Towns and Cities on the western continent
One difference was the fact that the various NPC kingdoement of almost all of their towns and cities to the Adventurer’s association, which, in turn, entrusted matters of security to the various Guilds in the form of quests This forced the various Guilds to invest tons oftheir authority Hence, the western continent’s various powers severely lackedGuild Towns or Cities of their own
There was another major difference that contributed to the various powers’ unwillingness to establish Guild Towns and Cities
The De Demonic Creatures’ attacks weren’t limited to towns and cities within a country’s borders Occasionally, they would also besiege towns and cities deep within kingdoardless of where the various powers established their Guild Towns or Cities, they’d still have to deal with the Demonic Creatures’ invasion
These Dees on the eastern continent They operated like kingdoms and empires’ well-trained NPC arainst towns and cities
Meanwhile, Guild Towns and Cities didn’t have the support of a large number of NPCs like NPC towns and cities Guilds would have to hire a limited number of NPC soldiers and rely on their own ine how much manpoould be necessary to protect a Guild Town or City
This hy so feers had established their own Guild Town or City on the western continent, and those that ed the feat were undoubtedly powerful At the very least, a poould need to be on par with a first-rate Guild to le Guild Town or City Only those that ranked a the top of first-rate Guild could eration to call the wanted Divine Tribe to help him establish a Guild City on the western continent If he were asking this of any other superpower’s upper echelon, they’d likely throw him out the door
This wasn’t a partnershi+p; it was daylight robbery!
“Guild Leader Black Flame, are you aware of the situation on the western continent? Establishi+ng a Guild City here is even ine Even now, Divine Tribe only has the power to maintain five Guild Towns and Cities,” Adolf explained after taking aa Guild City on the western continent wasn’t difficult, but protecting it was No ordinary power could afford the amount ofonly had 10 players on the western continent right now Even if shi+ Feng were heaven-defyingly strong, he couldn’t defeat an entire army of Demonic Creatures by himself It would be up to Divine Tribe to dispatch a player ar so, Divine Tribe would likely have to invest ain fro was only a pseudo-superpower in the east right now; it didn’t have much influence, and it could only secure a limited amount of resources
Moreover, the manpower Divine Tribe would have to invest would be manpower the Guild couldn’t use in the future It simply wasn’t a hile trade
“I understand how difficult it is to establish a Guild City on the western continent, which is why I’ nodded while chuckling “If your Guild can agree, I aic Crystals of rare materials fro knew a little about the western continent’s situation, so he knew that establishi+ng a Guild City here would be a , a Guild that didn’t even have a hint of a foundation in the west
However, a Guild City was necessary for Zero Wing’s future development Without one, the Guild wouldn’t have a foothold in the west and would be subjected to the local powers’ suppression
This hy the various powers, who could travel between the continents, always established strongholds in both places The Azure Chamber of Coon Empire, was one such example With its own trade hub, Azure didn’t have to worry about superpowers’ suppression, even if they grew jealous
He also needed a Guild City to deal with an even greater problem