Chapter 328 Face to Face (1/2)
Chapter 328: Face to Face
Petras leaned over me, his rancid breath a form of torture in and of itself
“Poke, poke, poke,” he chanted, following each ith a swift thrust of his knife into a different part of my body
It had been a week since Caera and I had left the Relictombs, and every day had been al tedious, Ascender Grey,” Matheson said fro on the wall Save yourself from two more weeks of pain, and adh the Granbehls’ steward kept his face passive, he repeatedly fumbled with the cuffs of his sleeves Over the last week, I had decided that this was Matheson’s tell for when he was becodoe-eyed at the old o”
Inside aze with a glare of his own, adjusting his sleeves yet again before turning to Petras “Spend some more time with him Lord Granbehl has been most…disappointed with your service as of late He expects results”
He turned and strode out of the cell, leaving me shackled to the wall Petras, as so close he was practically leaning againsttih-pitched voice lower and glooet to spend soether today”
After another hour of burns, cuts, and the stench of Petras’s breath, the lanky Alacryan seelance, his ar
‘I’is said, after the torturer was gone ‘Throw hirunt or a wince, at least’
I stretched out s as the wounds quickly healed over By spending a few hours every day focusing on absorbing aether from the at the many wounds left by the Granbehls’ torturer
‘So, another stiis asked as I reclined on et out and stretch ht now, I told hirew froer, and I slid it into the slot at the base of the dried fruit After rattling the seed around inside until it rested over the hole left by the fruit’s stem, I pulled with the claw
The aether held for aits shape like wet clay
I sighed before reforain
When I’d learned how to use God Step with Three Steps’ help, she had been able to show e my focus and see the world differently I was sure that thereaether to for the sa over and over
Still, it cal the aether claw I spent hours trying to claw out the seed, and even though every attempt was ht somehow, like this hat Three Steps had intended
Eventually, though, I had to adh for one day, and stored the toy back into the dian to drift in theI had no intention to confront these thoughts right now, and searched for so else to keeprelic It was dull and lifeless; I’d used it again only a day ago to check on ain, but it failed, just like before After that, I watched Ellie train with Helen until the stone’s power faded
‘There’s that goofy grin again You’re thinking about your sister again, huh?’ Regis asked, invadingto be a really talented e, you know? And brave…
‘Yet you still worry about her dating life,’ Regis grunted
I groaned Enough with the whole overprotective brother label I would be…glad if she finds a good guy that makes her happy
‘Tell that to the cot rail you just bent with your bare hand’
I looked down to see that the metal pipe used to support the cot was dented
That says nothing, I retorted, straightening out the dense rail
‘Just promise not to force your sister’s would-be suitors to beat you in a duel or some crap like that…’
That’s actually not a bad—
Halting footsteps on the stairs interrupted our conversation, and I quickly stored the relic and stood, facing the gloo on the other side was fah to feel a pang of guilt
“hello, Ada,” I said, keeping est Granbehl sibling had cut her long blonde hair so it was shorter than irlish features sharper and aunt and sort of…haunted, in a way
The fact that she’d co it The death of her siblings and her best friend in the Relictoh she’d blamed me at the time—she knew I didn’t kill Kalon, Ezra, or Riah
The Alacryan girl didn’t reply, just watchedto, like, stare at you, or what?’ Regis asked ‘It’s kind of creepy’
I took a slow step toward the door, trying to look as non-threatening as possible Ada flinched back anyway
“Ada, listen—”