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The King Tiffany Reisz 16290K 2023-09-03

"Please," Justin whispered

Without a word, Kingsley pushed hi out of hi to enjoy every second of sinking deep and being surrounded and held by his inner sley was all the way in He gripped the boy’s shoulders and pounded into hi, re and aggressive, his hands relentless And beneath hisley bent low over hih kisses into his shoulders and spine Kisses and bites, bites and kisses Pleasure and pain Pain and pleasure This hat he lived for, what they all lived for His cliainst Justin’s ear he caassley stayed inside hih to take the handcuffs off He pulled out carefully, and Justin rolled on to his back

"Cosley ordered "I want to watch"

Justin took hi before his own sesley was hard again frosley pushed back into hiain, slower this tisley’s back and they kissed Their tongues ht in his world As long as Kingsley stayed inside this boy, everything was fine

Kingsley stopped fucking long enough to pull the sheets down, undress coainst his pillows He wanted this erotic oblivion to last all night

They fucked again, slower this tih it scared hisley let Justin inside hier and cane He took pain like a professional, like he was born for it When their need and hunger for each other was finally spent, they stood in the shower together, Justin’s back against the wall, Kingsley’swater beat down on them and the steam soothed the soreness the sex had worked on thesley’s lips


Justin didn’t tell him He didn’t have to Justin knelt in the shower and offered his back to Kingsley Not even Søren had been sadistic enough to relieve hisley That sley to mark Justin as the hot water poured down on to both of thesley sent Justin to bed after the shower He sht of that blond head on his pillow For the first tisley realized five whole hours had passed, and he hadn’t thought once about Sasley dipped his head and kissed him on the side of the neck Justin stirred

"Thank you," Justin said, half-asleep

"For what?" Kingsley asked

"Resley felt a knot in his throat

"I would never forget it"