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The King Tiffany Reisz 7760K 2023-09-03

"That’s our goal" Søren pointed at two trees that stood three feet apart forty sley said "ButI’ve wanted to do all my life"

"And that is?" Søren dropped the ball between thesley turned and, with all his strength and thethousands of hours of soccer as a teenager, kicked the ball in a high perfect arc toward the two trees The ball passed down the h the center of a business card


He turned to Søren and smiled

"Beat the shit out of you"


NOT THAT ANYONE had ever asked, but if they had, Kingsley would have told theht the town house because he fell in love with the bathtub Grand in size, porcelain with gold accents and claw-foot, it was a bathtub built for a king He could live in it If he kept playing football with Søren he would have to live in it He needed the heat and the water to loosen up his chest where the scar tissue was healing too tightly He arched his back to the point of pain and let the water seep into his scars He tried to take a deep breath, but the scar restricted his ony, it couldn’t wipe the smile off his face He’d done it He’d scored on Søren ten ti for, but defeating Søren, even in a game of Central Park soccer, was exactly what the doctor ordered Unfortunately, the exertion had resulted in tonight’s renewed aches and pains But it orth it For the bragging rights alone, it orth it

While soaking his sore ht yesterday and opened to page one A few minutes later he heard a knock on the bathroosley said

Sam opened the door with a hand over her eyes

"Number one or number two?" she asked fro a bath"

"Bubble bath?"

"I’to work, because I have es to read to you"

"Turn your back and read thesley said "Or look I don’t care"

Sam peeked over the top of her hand

"What the hell are you doing?" she dehted I can hit a target at five hundred yards, but words six inches in front ofin the bathtub Are you sure you’re not a girl?"