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"Good Just checking"
When they arrived at their destination, the driver held open the door for thesley
"Might I assist you, sley took her hand, and she pulled hih heels, corset and all--out of the car
Side by side they stood on the sidewalk in the light of a la here?" Saht, isn’t it?"
"It is"
"Why are we here?"
"Because I want it"
"The city sold the place to theo It’s not on the market anymore"
"I’ve fucked sley said "If so"
"You are an interestinghim as he scanned the exterior of the hotel "I’m not sure if that’s a coirls in order to make them question their sexuality Jury is still out on you, too," he said "And for the record, I have had sex with lesbians before"
"Yeah, how did that happen?"
"One was on an ‘orientation vacation’ as she called it The other didn’t know she was until after we had sex"
"Ouch," Sas Especially after she told ay"
They walked up and down the sidewalk in front of the building It was boarded up and chained Yellow caution tape warned passersby away Signs and notices declared it condesley was undeterred
"What did the newspaper say about this place?" Kingsley asked
"According to the Ti since it’s been closed for ten years"
"Why does a church want a hotel?"
"Reverend Fuller wants to expand his empire of conservative family values into the heart of New York City blah blah bullshit et cetera," Sa about how, unlike the righteous Lot who fled from Sodom, WTL Ministries will infiltrate the city of New York and save it frohters," Kingsley said "I wonder if Reverend Fuller remembers that part"
"You know the Bible?" Sam asked
"I went to an all-boys Catholic school"