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The King Tiffany Reisz 13910K 2023-09-03

"You did more than terrify a doctor I shouldn’t tell you this, but myemployer at the time had decided to burnet rid of ed to let iven the counter order"

"I’htest of smiles

"How did you find me? At the hospital, I mean"

"You listed ion"

"That’s right," Kingsley said "I had no one else"

"You had our school as natius, and St Ignatius called me"

"How did you find sley"

Kingsley shrugged, tried and failed to laugh

"It’s not fair, you know I couldn’t open my eyes that day in the hospital You saw "

"I was in Rome, in India I’m not sure I want to knohere you’ve been"

"You don’t"

"What are you doing with yourself these days?"

Kingsley shrugged, sighed, raised his hands "I own a strip club Don’t judge e not," Søren said "Anything else? Job? Girlfriend? Wife? Boyfriend?"

"No job I’m retired No wife But Blaise is around here soirlfriend," Søren said "And no wife, either"