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Katarina’s brother had lived through the worst of his withdrawals and had started down the road to recovery He’d apologized for all the horrible things he’d done to her and her dogs, and Baden knew she’d begun to have hope for him and for their relationship, but as soon as he was released froeon, he’d snuck out to buy heroin Katarina had asked one of the hounds to follow and guard hio

After she’d overcome her oreaths, Pandora had opted to stay in the underworld with Hades to build her kingdom there Baden wondered if she’d stayed because of affection for her new fatheror an attraction to one of the other kings She had secrets and she wasn’t sharing therow used to the term?

Maddox plopped into the chair next to his "Well, my friend I can tell you’ve learned your lesson No matter how dark and painful the present, the future can be brighter You just have to hold on"

"This isn’t a Hallh "No matter how calm the present, the future can be stormy"

His friend sobered, nodded "Hades and Lucifer are still lining up their players"

"It’s only a matter of time before they finish and true combat starts"

Maddox reached out, patted his hand "Our side in Then we’ll help you punish Hades for his battle with Katarina"

Baden’s chest constricted "You’re a better friend than I deserve"

"I learned from the best," Maddox said, and for a moment, Baden was transported back to their days in the heavens When a Titan ar Zeus

Maddox had been hit right away, a h his chest and exiting out his back More spears and arrows fell, ready to take out the rest of them Baden could have run for cover, but he’d run to Maddox instead, carrying him to safety

"We have the artifacts back in our possession," Maddox said "We’ll keep searching for Ca Star"

Only then could his friends be freed frooal

Galen stalked into the rooe on our deal, prick?" His wings were larger than before, arching over his shoulders, snohite down covering every inch "I want my date"

"You promised to date him?" Maddox punched Baden in the arm "Good luck with that Katarina will protest"